How to help a shy and inexperienced sugar baby

A shy, young, sexually inexperienced girl committing to something she hasn't experienced very much with a grown man. How to help a shy and in-experienced sugar baby?

How to help a shy and inexperienced sugar baby

Helping a shy or inexperienced sugar baby requires a combination of support, guidance, and understanding. Here are some tips to assist them in navigating the sugar dating world:

1. Open communication

Encourage your sugar baby to express their thoughts, concerns, and desires openly. Create a safe space where they feel comfortable discussing their needs and boundaries. Be patient and understanding, as it may take time for them to open up.

2. Mentorship

Act as a mentor figure for your sugar baby, offering advice and guidance on sugar dating etiquette, lifestyle, and expectations. Share your experiences and help them understand the dynamics of a sugar relationship, including setting realistic goals and boundaries.

3. Build their confidence

Boost your sugar baby's self-esteem by providing positive reinforcement and emphasizing their attractive qualities. Encourage them to take pride in their appearance and help them explore their interests and talents. A confident sugar baby will feel more comfortable in social situations.

4. Slow introduction to the lifestyle

If your sugar baby is inexperienced, introduce them gradually to the sugar dating lifestyle. Start with casual outings, public events, or low-pressure social gatherings before delving into more intimate or private settings. This will help them adjust at their own pace.

5. Offer emotional support

Sugar dating can be overwhelming for anyone, especially those who are shy or inexperienced. Be there to listen to your sugar baby's concerns, fears, or insecurities. Offer reassurance, empathy, and understanding. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings without judgment.

6. Provide resources and education

Provide resources and education: Help your sugar baby become more knowledgeable about sugar dating by recommending books, articles, or online resources that provide insights into the lifestyle. Encourage them to do their own research and learn about the common practices, safety measures, and red flags to watch out for in sugar relationships.

I went out with a girl like this. Very dry texting and short answers. Leading up to our m&g, I was kind of dreading it a little...thought I was going to have to pull conversation out of her. We met and...after about 5 minutes she got comfortable and it turned out she was an amazing conversationalist. Super talkative and fun...very engaged.

Sometimes a second longer platonic date after the meet and greet will also help them feel more comfortable with having an intimate date the next one. Going from one meeting to fucking can be a lot for some people.

Some newbies take several dates into it. It is like pulling teeth to get her to relax. After several dates, your sugar baby should not be so nervous. A willingness to take things slow does go a long way.

Explain to them how it works.

Many new / shy sugar babies appreciate having an sugar daddy that is experienced and can explain to them how it works. Be direct and clear with her. You can say something like...

I look for a Sugar Relationship that feels more like normal dating, but with boundaries and financial support. I don't want a relationship only about sex, but like normal dating, sex should feel like a natural part of the relationship. It should not feel forced.

I believe most people know if they are sexually attracted to someone quickly, but I understand it may take time before they are comfortable acting on that attraction.

If you are not interested in sex soon, I will assume you are either not attracted to me or not very sexual.

Try to keep it non-threatening and more matter of fact. If she isn't attracted to you, It's better not in a Sugar Relationship. If she isn't a very sexual person, Sugar Dating is not for her.

You have to treat it like a normal date, and before and after heading to the room remind her she's free to change her mind at any time.

If you're proceeding to the act, maybe keep the lights low, and I would probably suggest she make herself comfortable in the bathroom and you get in your underwear in bed under the covers and wait for her.

When you start to progress to the next step, ask for permission and watch for body language.

Good experience from new sugar babies

I too am very young, inexperienced and didn't have an intimate date with my sugar daddy yet. However he already comforted me by telling me how he would handle it. Telling me how he will have to be aware of my reactions and my boundaries.

Plus he always talks about intimacy as a possibility even though it's certain that we will be intimate. He does this by mentioning the words ‘if it gets to that point' to make it clear that we both have a say in this.

When I started I was nervous. I was extremely shy and could barely have a conversation with strangers, let alone an older, good looking man. I did state this in my profile though.

When we had our first m&g (which was my first ever m&g with anyone), I felt so shy that I was struggling to form sentences but he was so friendly and understanding.

He kept the flow of conversation easy and after a while it felt natural and I relaxed a bit. After that we went for a walk and I felt so much better because we weren't looking directly at each other, and we could talk about everything around us, instead of being stuck in a quiet, stuffy restaurant.

He was charming and obviously experienced which helped a lot. Disinterest and shyness feel very different.

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