What it's really like to be a sugar daddy

Sugar daddy men can easily be seen all over the internet, nevertheless, you should do some groundwork on the website you plan to sign up with so you can get a great idea of what should be expected.

What it's really like to be a sugar daddy

In this article, sugar daddies share their experiences and insights into the world of sugar dating. Get an inside look at the lifestyle, expectations, and benefits of being a sugar daddy in this candid and informative piece.

As a sugar daddy, you may enjoy certain lifestyle benefits, such as having a younger partner who can bring excitement, energy, and a fresh perspective into your life. It can also provide you with a sense of empowerment and the opportunity to indulge in experiences you might not otherwise have. Here are some potential advantages that some people associate with being a sugar daddy:


Sugar daddy arrangements often involve companionship with a younger partner. This can provide you with the opportunity to enjoy the company of someone who brings vitality, energy, and a different perspective into your life.

Intimacy and romance

For those seeking a romantic or physical connection, a sugar daddy arrangement can offer a mutually agreed-upon level of intimacy and romance. This can provide a fulfilling experience for individuals who may not be interested in or able to pursue traditional relationships.

Personal growth and mentorship

As a sugar daddy, you may have the opportunity to mentor and guide your partner. Sharing your life experiences, knowledge, and insights can be rewarding, and you may find fulfillment in helping someone grow personally and professionally.

Tailored experiences

With financial resources at your disposal, you can potentially enjoy unique experiences, such as traveling to exotic destinations, attending exclusive events, or indulging in luxury goods and services. Sugar daddy arrangements often involve providing financial support for these experiences.

Flexibility and control

Sugar daddy relationships can offer a level of flexibility and control. You can negotiate the terms and conditions of the arrangement, including the frequency and nature of meetups, allowing you to tailor the relationship to your preferences and lifestyle.

Discretion and privacy

Many sugar daddy relationships are based on discretion and privacy. This can provide a sense of security and allow you to maintain your public image or personal privacy, depending on your specific circumstances.

It's important to approach sugar daddy relationships with clear communication, mutual consent, and a genuine interest in the well-being of your partner. Building a foundation of trust and respect is essential for any healthy relationship, including those within the context of sugar daddy arrangements.

What it's really like to be a sugar Daddy

A major part of being a sugar daddy is about feeling good by helping others, the motivations can be linked to the saviour complex—the psychological need to help others in order for someone to feel good about themselves.

What it's really like to be a sugar Daddy

My sugar baby was struggling in her career. She joined a tech firm as a graduate but didn’t like her job. She needed a lot of guidance, which I was able to give her due to my technological background.

MY financial position and connections not only helped fast-track my sugar baby’s career, but also became a saving grace in the initial months of India’s harsh lockdown period last year. My sugar baby's father passed away suddenly while the whole country was in lockdown and it was a miserable time for her.

I was able to help her out by providing transportation and money while she faced a major financial crunch, as well as offer emotional support.

What it's really like to be a sugar Daddy: It's like having a girlfriend — but I'll never get married

I have been a suagar daddy over 10 years. For the past three years now, I have been seeing one sugar baby. She's half my age but our relationship is like boyfriend and girlfriend.

As a sugar daddy, I am in the honeymoon stage most of the time — I get treated well, I get lots of romantic evenings and I am seen as a savior of the women in distress and the facilitator of her better lifestyle.

What it's really like to be a sugar Daddy

I have gone on vacations with some women and given some women extra money, but that's after I get to know them well. I've had women ask for money just for dinner, but I don't go for that. Why would I? I've had women ask for money up front or for a large allowance, but no thanks to that either.

There are nice girls on sugar baby dating sites who are just looking for some help with their bills, but there are a lot of scammers, too.

Student loans are a problem for many younger sugar babies though, and there's no doubt many come to the sugar site for cash to make their monthly payment. I've met two active college girls over the years, one who went to Berkeley and one who went to UC Davis.

Like all of the sugar babies I've interacted with, I gave them a per-visit donation of $200 to $300, plus dinner, gifts, and outings. But I know that very good looking college girls ask for $500 to $600, and some of them get it.

Sugar babies share what it's like to have a daddy

As a sugar daddy, you may want to hear some stories from some real sugar babies. A sugar baby share her own experience of having a sugar daddy.

I was 21 at the time and earning a pretty average salary in my administrator role, so a large part of the appeal was that I might be able to get some of my expenses paid for or the opportunity to shop and travel.

A sugar baby share her own experience of having a sugar daddy

What I wasn’t expecting was how much more I would get out of the experience, beyond the financial side of things. The majority of men were at least a few years older than me and mostly businessmen who were really clever and had done incredibly well for themselves in life, so beyond the gifts, flowers and nice meals, I was able to be mentored by them, ask them for career advice and learn from them.

It’s also important to remember that these men don’t want to feel as if they’re being used for their wealth so to have a proper conversation keeps both parties happy.

With one of my longer arrangements, I would fill an online shopping cart during the week and then come Friday the order would arrive!

All he wanted in exchange was worthwhile conversations and a couple of dates during the week.

It was so refreshing to not have to worry every time a bill came up. At that time I was dating sporadically on Tinder, except ironically none of those guys wanted to “date” – they were just looking for a hook up.

It was also nice to be spoilt!! 21 year old guys couldn’t send flowers “just because” or take me out to a nice restaurant on a whim like the Sugar Daddies.

A feeling of overpowering control

While the saviour complex is one way to explain the attraction of being a sugar daddy, many also enjoy having the upperhand when it comes to transactional relationships. Sugar daddies feel good when they can help others achieve something their families may not have been able to do otherwise. While this can be the saviour complex, it can also be a power thing.

What it's really like to be a sugar Daddy

While in a conventional relationship, the balance of power can perilously tilt if a powerful, older man is constantly the giver and a naive, young woman always the receiver, the boundaries and expectations seem more set, even if sometimes unspoken, when it comes to sugar dating.

When you use a traditional dating app, people expect the relationship to end in marriage or kids. But as a sugar daddy, you get to set expectations right from the start. The flexibility of his arrangement has allowed him to explore an open relationship with his to-be wife.

Transference of emotions

Transference is a psychological phenomenon of redirecting repressed emotions onto another person in one’s present situation. While some sugar daddies prefer younger women for the power trip, a large section do so due to hidden trauma or complexes their brain has not yet processed.

I always wanted a daughter, but my wife and I could only have a son. I think one of the reasons I enjoy providing for my sugar baby is because I never had a daughter to do that for.

Financial domination fetish

While some may say that being a sugar daddy is in itself a sexual fetish, for some, the physical pleasure that comes with an exchange of money becomes the prime reason to get into sugar dating.

While dominance emerges as a common pattern in the motivations that drive the sugar daddies, being a submissive can make things all the more sensual for the sugar baby as well.

“I’ve had sugar babies who come from financially well-off backgrounds, but they have the kink of the money being exchanged,” admitted Doe. “Ultimately, it’s a safer, more consensual arrangement that lets both parties benefit, whereas prostitution usually only serves to benefit or pleasure one person.

Get start daddy’s lifestyle?

How much money to be sugar daddy? You do not have to be very rich to be a sugar daddy. It's not what you make but rather what you can afford on a consistent basis.

Most sugar babies do not matter what your income or net worth is as long as you reach a mutually agreeable allowance or PPM. The most important thing is that both you and your sugar baby are happy with the arrangment. As long as the agreement is being met, sugar babies don't see why it matters.

2023 best sugar website to find nearby sugar babies

best sugar daddy website

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