Stay safe while sugar dating: Safety tips for sugar daddy

For lots of new sugar daddies, they may be very paranoid about meeting strangers in general. When money is involved people tend to go to extremes. Some sugar daddies might be extra cautious.

Worried about your safety while sugaring as a sugar daddy? This comprehensive guide offers tips and advice on how to stay safe and protect your privacy while engaging in sugar dating relationships.

From screening potential sugar babies to setting boundaries and using secure communication channels, this article covers everything you need to know to minimize your risk and enjoy a positive sugaring experience.

Whether you're new to the sugar dating world or a seasoned pro, this guide has something for everyone. Start sugaring safely today.

For new sugar daddies, they may want to learn the tips from other men who are experienced in sugar relationships.

We have collect lots of methods which might be able to enlighten new sugar daddies to some ways they've learned to protect themselves from problems they've run into.

It's better to read up about sugar scams and proper etiquette for this sort of thing. Here are some key tips to staying safe when you are sugar dating as a sugar daddy.

Stay safe while sugar dating: Safety tips for sugar daddy

Meet in a public place for the first meeting

For the first platonic sugar date, you may choose a public place as your first line of defense. That one step should greatly reduce much of the risk.

If necessary, make it a discreet public place. Take away coffee and a park bench like two spies in a Le Carre movie at a pinch.

Meet a potential sugar baby in public, and do not do anything dumb, like meeting in high crime areas.

Besides common courtesy of not being late, showing up early gives you a chance to look for anything out of the ordinary, especially if she chose the place.

When going for your first public sugar date, leave your wallet in the car. Just walk in with your credit card and any cash/gift you want to give her.

Do not pay money in advance

Avoid anyone who insists in advance that you pay before the first sugar date, and never, ever send money to somebody you haven't met in person yet.

Block anyone instantly without explanation who asks for money without meeting. It does not matter what the reason is. Just hit block.

Consider doing an additional platonic date or two if it will make you more comfortable in the long term. Maybe at a lower PPM, or a full one if you don't care about the money that much.

Use a sugar phone number and name

Pay attention to your operational security, using a sugar-specific phone number at first and using a fake name at least until you've met in person.

Using a google voice number or text app until building enough trust. You may also use fake name at least until until building enough trust.

Do not disclose personal information. You may protect your identity and protecting yourself against potential extortion attempts.

Do not meet your potential sugar baby in your home for the first dates

Consider using decent hotels instead of your own house for the first sugar dates, at least until you know enough about the other person to feel comfortable having them in your home.

Trust your instincts

It's honestly just keeping your wits about you and listening to your gut. Block anyone who makes threats, and sleep soundly. If it sounds too good to be true it usually is. Maybe the pictures look manufactured and she wants to go straight to a hotel. If it makes your spidey-sense go off, block the profile as soon as possible.

If you get a hint of something dangerous, politely end the date and say goodbye.

Trust your gut. If they come across as mad or dodgy, believe that and cut contact.

Do not send any pictures in your facebook account

Do not put any photos on sugar daddy website in your facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter online. Make sure your social media security is as tight as feasible.

That's realistically the only way people trace you to people you know. Its only purpose is to put you at risk.

Never send any photos in your social accounts to your sugar baby until building enough trust.


Sugar dating is not like "regular dating" since scammers and thieves do not target regular dating. You've made some money in your life to be able to afford this lifestyle.

Bring some of those professional instincts and intelligence into screening. Trust that you are smarter than a scammer if you listen to your brain and instincts and not your dick.

How to protect yourself as a sugar daddy? Go with you gut feeling. That has never let me down. Also, it does take some trail and error. I have been doing this 20 years and you just know after a while.

You will waste some money

If you are worried about paying money and losing it, get over it. It's the cost of doing business.

Expect at least 90% failure rates from your messages. Most sugar babies are toe dippers, flakes, scammers and/or just not that into you.

Some potential sugar babies will take your money and give you less than what you hope for, and/or waste your time.

The oil industry calls it dry well accounting. They amortize the cost of their loser wells over the revenue from winner wells, since you cant pick everything perfectly. Its fine.

Cash for the PPM and date expenses

Cash for the PPM and date expenses and nothing else. They can't rob you of your credit cards if you don't have them. They can't make you go to an ATM for more cash without your debit card. They can't stalk or rob your place if you don't bring identification with your address on it (such as your driving license).

You give part of the $$$ before you start the arrangement(intimacy, sex, etc). And the rest of the $$$ after we are done. It's using cash.

This is to help prevent or deter people from leaving or trying to go home early. Since situations can occur where if someone doesn't like you, they'll leave before the set time in which you both agreed to part ways.

If you see them enough times or trust them enough, YOU give them the full $$$ before the start.

Choose a reliable website to find your sugar baby

best sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar babies online now!