How to tell if a potential sugar baby is real sugar baby or not

For lots of new sugar daddies in the first month, you may have had a wide range of interactions with potential sugar babies. You may have a few sugar dates coming up and some of the text conversations have been going well. Is she a real sugar baby?

However, one of the most challenges for you is that how to identify a fake sugar baby, risers and scammers. How to distinguish real sugar baby you want? How to tell if a potential sugar baby is real or a scammer.

Worried about fake sugar babies on sugar daddy websites? Discover the telltale signs that can help you identify genuine sugar babies from scammers or bots.

From verifying their photos to evaluating their communication skills, this guide will teach you how to spot red flags and find the perfect sugar baby for your sugar dating journey.

Get started today and enjoy a safer, more rewarding sugar dating experience.

How to tell if a potential sugar baby is real sugar baby or not, scammer

First, you may aware there is there is no perfect nor foolproof method to detect scammers and flakes and am only looking for ways to help identify and weed out the real from the fake sugar babies.

Asking you to send money before meeting

How to tell if a potential sugar baby is a scammer or not? The first great screening tactic when using sugar daddy website is judge if the potential sugar baby is asking you to send money before meeting.

If a sugar baby asks during initial messages if she will get compensated at the first sugar date. Either she is a rinser or there are some issues that result in her never having a sugar relationship materialize after the first sugar date.

Cash only in the beginning. It's quite an easy excuse to say you only do cash for security. Nothing is real until the sugar date.

If the sugar date is in public and there is no request for payment (beyond reimbursement for transportation), Please go for it. This will prove they're real and interested in the same thing since they're investing their time and meeting you.

Sob story about financial crisis

How to tell if a potential sugar baby is real sugar baby or not? When you stay on sugar daddy website for over one month, be prepared for all sorts of sob stories about how they are having some crisis and need cash or want you to send money for gas etc.

Lots of sugar daddies frequently get a sob story right after the first sugar date about “my apartment was just robbed and my roommates and I cannot pay rent now." Pay per meet on the first sugar dates.


Another way to tell if a potential sugar baby is a scammer or not is that watch out for sugar baby's location.

If a sugar baby that mentioned a local location but the recent location on their profile in some other country like Venezuela. She might be a fake sugar baby.

Unless you are looking for a virtual arrangement, though there’s OF for that, real sugar babies needs to be local for in person sugar relationship.

If she is mentioning the same location as you have listed. Most scammers don't know what areas are nearby, so they just say they are from your location.

Pay attention to the pictures

Lots of fake sugar babies buy or stole some pictures from other online website. Remember, there are a fair number of profiles which are essentially pirated Instagram pictures.

Please watch out for fake pictures stolen from the internet. Always do a quick reverse Google image search or use tineye website.

Please ask them to send, in the website or app, a picture of them holding up three fingers (or something).

If she does not send you that kind of photos, assume you are giving money to some dude in an internet cafe in a developing country.

The profile pictures A LOT can be told from the profile pics that the sugar babies puts up. You can pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Do they have a decent headshot? If they blur out their eyes, or some part of the face, that is OK, it may be because of privacy, but how do they look?
  2. Do they smile? I have found SBs who take pics and they are frowning, or never smiling, and they are usually depressed or grumpy people. Or they have bad teeth.
  3. Do they put too many cute snapchat bunny ears or weird head florals all over their pics? This is a reflection of their youth and may be generational differences. But too much of it is distracting.
  4. What is in the background of the picture? I pay a LOT of attention to the background, and you can tell a little more about who they are, where they live, what they enjoy doing. Lots of selfies in restrooms, messy bedrooms, other dudes or girls in the pictures, partying, clubbing, messy beds, some hints to drug-use, makeup, fingernail work, type of purses they display, etc. LOTS of hints in the background, so study it carefully.
  5. Do they present a full-body picture, and what angle are they taking their picture from? This is to make sure they are accurately portraying themselves. Bikini / swimsuit pics tell the most about a girl's physique, and that they are comfortable in their own skin. Baggy clothing or very dark pics is a bad sign. An absence of body pics makes me weary as well.
  6. When there are NO public pictures at all, it can go both ways. The girls who eventually share their pictures with me are either SUPER HOT, or butt ugly. There seems to be no middle ground here, I don't know why. The hot ones just prefer privacy.
  7. Most girls will try to show their best features, nice cleavage, big boobs, nice ass, etc. But I would be weary of getting too excited about any single feature, as it's usually hyped up a bit.
  8. Tattoos - generally tells a bit about who they are and if they have a wild/rebellious/crazy side to them. Non-distracting ones are OK, but some girls are quite tatted up, and lots of rings/ornaments/metal-ware in different places.

About Me section

A good sugar baby may cares enough to write at least a few sentences about themselves in a coherent paragraph or two.

They could be sexy as hell, but immaturity, carelessness, and not spending much time in writing a decent profile is a bad sign, and could be a red flag. A completely empty section is not a good sign.

  1. This section is for sharing a quick biography about who they are, and what they are interested in. Some words which are red flags for me: SPOIL, love to be spoiled, spoil me, LUXURY, HIGH MAINTENANCE, love shopping, PLATONIC.
  2. A bad attitude can seep through in this section. Or someone who is conceited and self-centered. Young girls these days are millennials, and they are well-known for having a sense of entitlement.
  3. Poor grammar. Sometimes it may be because English is not their first language, so that is excusable. But otherwise, if they can't write a complete sentence, then it would be difficult to communicate with them. Too much slang is a turn-off for me as well.
  4. Rarely, there will be some who will write an entire novel about themselves, and that is a bit weird as well. Soft sign for some underlying issues.
  5. Words I like to see: OPEN MINDED, hard working, love to TRAVEL, sincere, genuine, NEW to SA, FUN TIME, non-judgmental, love to please, educated, ambitious, seeking MENTOR, CLASSY, MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL
  6. Seems like everyone loves traveling, LOL!

What I am Looking For section

You would want your sugar baby to be able to articulate clearly what she is looking for on sugar website. Avoid any hints of the following:

A professional escort, scammer, fake account (possibly created by a dude, since sugar baby profiles are free), someone who is looking for a boyfriend or husband, gold-digger, those looking for on-line or platonic arrangements, dishonest profiles, unreasonable expectations.

Against the Sugar date and directly want an intimate date.

Stay away from sugar babies who are against the sugar date and directly want an intimate date.

After scheduling a sugar date, you can always ask that you two check in with each other an hour before meeting to make sure we’re not running late or have other issues. Same for the first intimate date. That usually protects you from the flakes.

  1. Constantly asking for help
  2. Be wary of any sugar babies that is very suggestive, especially at the onset.
  3. For some women, once they find a sugar daddy all of their things suddenly go into spontaneous disrepair.

You can strictly provide PPM at the start of a sugar relationship; If I grow to trust them, I’m inclined to be more supportive down the road.

Only message with fluent English speakers

How to tell if a potential sugar baby is real or a scammer? You can chek if she is a fluent English speakers or not. May not apply to your area but a lot of 'managed' asian escorts in lots of areas.

Push to meet in person pretty quickly

How to identify a fake sugar baby? You can push to meet in person pretty quickly.

A fake or scammer will do everything in their power not to meet. Also, asking for money before meeting is a pretty big red flag.

Talk on the phone for a bit

How to distinguish real sugar baby? You may talk on the phone for a bit. After messaging and then moving to text, when you do get that text back ask if she has time to chat.

Flake detection through voice is a bit easier. If you can't smoothly move to a voice conversation then skip.

Choose a reliable website to find your sugar baby

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