How much money to be a sugar daddy

There are lots of men wondering if he could be a sugar daddy considering his salary. How much money to be sugar daddy? Do I need to be a millionaire to be a sugar daddy?

Are there any sugar daddies out there that do not make lots of money? But what if you're a man who wants to become a sugar daddy but isn't very rich? How much money do you need to be a sugar daddy, and is it worth it?

How much money to be sugar daddy

There are too many assumptions and too much judgment about who should be in the sugar bowl and how it works.

In this article, we'll give the answers to how much money to be a sugar daddy and similar questions and more, and hopefully persuade you that becoming a sugar daddy can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, even if you're not wealthy.

How much money you need to become a sugar daddy? The truth is, there's no set amount of money that makes someone a sugar daddy. It is not about your net worth or even gross income. It just depends more on your disposable income and your sugar baby's expectations. If you want to be a sugar daddy, you just need to be able to afford to pay PPM-based arrangement or or monthly allowance arrangement.

How much money you need to become a sugar daddy? It just depends more on your disposable income and your sugar baby's expectations

As a sugar daddy, you may know what type of disposable income you have. First, you may afford for meals, hotels, events, gifts and other random expenses. You may also get an idea of PPM and monthly allowance in your area.

You can sugar or not depends more on your “disposable income”. That varies based on what kind of financial obligations you have (mortgage, dependents you are supporting and how much you are saving).

So, if you're a single person, with a good/steady income, irrespective of your assets, you can certainly be an sugar daddy. If you can meet the expected allowances (plus expenses - gifts, hotels etc.) for an sugar relationship in your location. On the other hand, the more liabilities you have, the easier it'll be.

It's also important to note that becoming a sugar daddy isn't just about the money. While financial support is a key aspect of the relationship, it's also important to be able to provide emotional support and companionship to your sugar baby.

This means being a good listener, offering advice and guidance when needed, and generally being a supportive and caring partner.

Sugar babies do not care about your income or net worth

Most sugar babies do not matter what your income or net worth is as long as you reach a mutually agreeable allowance or PPM. The most important thing is that both you and your sugar baby are happy with the arrangement. As long as the agreement is being met, sugar babies don't see why it matters.

Here are the experience from two real sugar babies.

As a sugar baby, I do not care about my sugar daddy's income and net worth. I just care that be can afford my allowance + food and gifts.

Really rich guys can be tightwads and less fortunate guys can really be almost too generous for their own good. It doesn't really depend on income, It depends on just generosity.

I don't need to know exactly my sugar daddy's income or net worth and would never ask about it, but I'm much more comfortable knowing he can afford easily afford our relationship.

If it's something he has to budget for, it's more likely that he will be overly concerned with it being "worth it" to him, which adds pressure. I want to be with someone where it's not a big deal to be spending, so he's not questioning every time if he "got his money's worth", so to speak.

Can I afford to be a sugar daddy?

You do not need to be extremely rich, but you do need to have enough discretionary income to spend on someone. Whether that is enough depends on your location and the kind of relationship you're looking for (e.g., once a month or many-time-a-week meetings).

Can I afford to be a sugar daddy?

While it's true that many sugar daddies are wealthy businessmen or entrepreneurs, there are also plenty of sugar daddies who are simply well-off or financially stable.

The key is to have enough disposable income to be able to provide financial support to a sugar baby without causing financial strain on yourself.

Due to the numerous factors involved, determining an average allowance for a sugar baby can appear to be an insurmountable task, as sugar allowances can vary widely from a few hundred to tens of thousands. For big cities with a plethora of well-to-do sugar daddies, the typical sugar baby allowance per visit is around $150 to $1,500.

How do you determine if you have enough disposable income?

So, how do you determine if you have enough disposable income to become a sugar daddy? The general rule of thumb is that you should be able to comfortably provide your sugar baby with a monthly allowance of at least $1,000 to $5,000, depending on your location and the lifestyle you want to provide for your sugar baby.

If you want to sugar on a budget, it's possible to do a PPM-based arrangement and just have as many meetings as you can reasonably afford.

How much money to be sugar daddy? You do not have to be very rich to be a sugar daddy. It's not what you make but rather what you can afford on a consistent basis. Please aware sugaring is all about disposable income and not net worth or even gross income. Most sugar daddies would consider it unsustainable to spend more than 10% of their take-home pay on sugaring.

You don't need millions of dollars to spend on a sugar baby. Unless this guy was either a complete idiot or dating a famous model it doesn't make sense why he would spend so much. If you have a few grand per month to spare you can easily be a sugar daddy.

If you have as little as $1,000/month to blow on dating you can easily find an sugar baby and get in the game. There are lots of men want to be a sugar daddy. Why?

Some men think that an sugar baby is a productivity investment. It will increase your productivity. Better attitude, better focus, fewer hours wasted chasing and perhaps healthier dining.

Before you start talking to potentials, We would recommend budgeting the amount of money you want to spend on your sugar baby so that you know how much you can afford to offer in an arrangement. Once you know that you can then start looking.

If you can afford to pay for roughly two extra one-bedroom apartments in your city, you're probably good to go. Maybe one extra one-bedroom in a HCOL city. Allowance/ppm asks tend to float around 1BR/month.

And incidentals (dinner, wine, hotels, trips, gifts, etc) is basically about the same. At least in my experience, about half of my sugar budget went into financial support. The other half was miscellaneous.

How much does a sugar baby cost?

How much does a sugar baby cost? It depends on the girl you meet and her expectations. Some girls only care about getting top dollar and will tolerate an a-hole or creep or very old/ugly if necessary.

How much does a sugar baby cost

For some girls, they just want a reasonable allowance, but typically want some degree of real interest in a sugar daddy. If you're somewhat closer to their age (like maybe 10-15 year gap) and/or a very handsome and appealing/desirable to them you can find some who would accept a modest allowance.

You can pursue a less desirable sugar baby if you're only able to provide a modest allowance. Also just being “charming” or “nice” on its own is of low value and expected to some degree.

It also depend your area. There are many sugar babies out there just looking to have some fun. Not make a 'living' out of being an sugar baby.

Benefits of sugar dating

One of the benefits of sugar dating is that it allows for a more straightforward and transparent relationship. Both parties are aware of what the other is looking for, and there's less pressure to conform to traditional dating norms.

Another benefit of sugar dating is that it allows you to be more selective about the kind of relationship you want to have.

Unlike traditional dating, where you may feel pressured to settle down with someone who may not be the best match for you, sugar dating allows you to be more discerning about the kind of person you want to be with.

You can choose a sugar baby who shares your interests and values, and who you genuinely enjoy spending time with.

Meet nearby sugar babies now

Make a free account at the biggest sugar daddy website SugarDaddyMeet and then you can browse for yourself to see the market in your area depending on what you're looking for.

2023 best sugar website to find nearby sugar babies

best sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar babies online now!

Sugar baby allowance calculator

As a sugar daddy, you should be financially responsible. You couldn't live with yourself if your basic needs weren't being met or your lifestyle took a hit because of a sugar relationship.

Most sugar babies want men on her level who also appreciates the finer things in life and knows how to behave if you two go to a nice restaurant, symphony etc.

How much does a sugar daddy pay a sugar baby? A sugar baby allowance calculator is a tool designed to estimate the amount of money a sugar baby should receive from their sugar daddy. The calculator takes into consideration various factors such as location, age, experience, and lifestyle expectations, and uses these inputs to calculate a reasonable allowance.

While a sugar baby allowance calculator can provide a general estimate of an appropriate allowance, it's important to note that the final amount is ultimately up to the agreement and negotiation between the sugar baby and sugar daddy.

The average amount spent on an sugar baby by pay per meet price is in big cities is $500, in small cities, the price is $300. The average amount spent on an sugar baby by monthly allowance is in big cities is $3,000, in small cities, the price is $2,000.

Pay per visit

In this case you give the girl money after each of your dates. In the top cities like New York, Los Angeles or San Francisco there would be higher prices.

  • Lowest - $300
  • Average - $500
  • Top ladies - $500-1800

In the smaller cities prices are slightly lower.

  • lowest - $200
  • average - $300-500
  • top lady - $800-1500

Monthly allowance

There is another way to agree a sugar baby monthly allowance: you can do it once a month with the bigger sum of money. Again, there is the difference between a monthly allowance for the ladies from the big cities and for the women from elsewhere.

  • lowest - $2000
  • average - $3000
  • top ladies - $6000-10000

For the smaller cities the pay per meet are different.

  • lowest - $1000
  • average - $2000
  • top ladies - $5000


If you're a man who wants to become a sugar daddy but isn't very rich, the good news is that you may still be able to enter into a sugar dating relationship. As long as you have enough disposable income to provide your sugar baby.

Of course, it's important to remember that becoming a sugar daddy isn't just about the money. It's about building a meaningful and fulfilling relationship with someone who shares your interests and values.

If you're able to do that, then the financial support you provide will be just one aspect of a much more complex and rewarding relationship.

So, if you're interested in becoming a sugar daddy, don't let concerns about your financial situation hold you back. With the right mindset and approach, you can enter into a mutually beneficial relationship with a sugar baby that can bring joy and fulfillment to both of your lives.

Just remember to be upfront and honest about your expectations, choose your sugar baby carefully, and above all, have fun!

Search an ideal sugar baby now!

best sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar babies online now!