How to discuss an arrangement with a sugar baby

For lots of new men who join the sugar bowl and you may have a wonderful first sugar date with a potential sugar baby. Everything went great and there was definitely attraction from both sides. Now, you want to meet more. How to approach the topic of a mutually beneficial arrangement with a sugar baby as a sugar daddy?How to discuss a sugar arrangement?

In this article, we will discover the dos and don'ts of discussing arrangements with a sugar baby in this helpful guide.

How to discuss a sugar arrangment with a sugar daddy

Before a sugar daddy talk arrangement with a sugar baby, you may have a clear answer for the following question.You may have in mind what your terms and expectations for the sugar relationship will be.

  • How many times do you want meet in a month?
  • What time of day (or night) you will be meeting.
  • How long will the sugar date last? How many hours?
  • Does it include overnight?
  • How much do you want to spend per month?
  • Do you want PPM or allowance?
  • How frequent your meetups would be.
  • The venue where you will meet each other.
  • What you will be doing during your date. Movies, a play, lunch, partying, a weekend-long getaway?
  • Will you be seen together in public?
  • Long-term aspects of your relationship: How long do you expect (or want) your arrangement to last?
  • How and when will sugar baby be getting your payment

When and where to discuss the arrrangment?

You two need to sort out all of these questions BEFORE the second date. You two need to come to an agreement on PPM (including whether/how platonic dates are compensated), and you need to have a mutual understanding of what the second date entails.

It's not a difficult conversation, but as the sugar daddy it would be very gentlemanly of you to bring it so she doesn't have to.

If you’re really hitting it off with your potential sugar baby, the discussion about an arrangement might come up. There’s no pressure or no need to bring this up on the first meet, but you certainly can do so if you feel the moment is right.

Chances are your potential sugar baby also has considered this potential allowance discussion and is also ready with that exact same information.

Some sugar daddies and sugar babies choose to disscuss the allowance on the first date. Other sugar daddies may think meeting without talking about money means you possibly met a sugar daddy looking for a more traditional sugar relationship, not a transactional sex work arrangements.

  • My last was done post coffee on a walk in the park.
  • We once discusses bondage and anal in a restaurant until we noticed nuns sitting at the table next to us.
  • I did not. I discuss the basics before the M&G and then specifics after the M&G.
  • I'm not really ashamed of it and don't care if others hear me. Now if we're at like chuckecheeses full of kids... Prob shouldn't be talking about sex stuff
  • I do it via text usually bc it’s AWKWARD. Especially Now that social distancing doesn’t exist anymore
  • It’s part of a conversation on a m&g. As long as you’re not yelling at each other over the table... why not.
  • Most of the time. But we try to meet up for coffee or drinks where there is a patio or something so the tables are bit more spread out and such. I find it easier to discuss these things in person because you can usually tell who is a real first-timer vs who isn’t. Plus, the ability to confidently discuss what each other wants/needs is attractive.
  • I usually discuss PPM and general expectations (x meetings a month for between x and y hours, etc.) before the M&G via text/WhatsApp.The first sugar date is to see if we click and want to go further. If I feel things are going well, I do bring up the arrangement again just to make sure we are clear on expectations. This might be done in the coffee shop or on a walk, depending on how crowded/noisy the place is.
  • I use discretion. If the tables are spaced out and the restaurant is sufficiently noisy, no problem. If there’s a good chance we’ll be overheard, I mention that and suggest a walk to discuss those things after the M&G.

How to word it best without it feeling business?

Something like "hey jane, I had fun yesterday and I really would like to see you again. Do you want to talk about our arrangement and plan another date?" And then take it from there.

How much PPM, check out the article How much does a sugar baby cost. See if there's any listings for your area. Otherwise a very common formula is for one PPM to be 1/4th the cost of a nice one bedroom apartment in your area. You can also just ask her what she's looking for and decide if it sounds good to you.

Here some example.

  • I really enjoyed meeting you the other day and I'm looking forward to seeing you again. What were you thinking for financial support and how often we would meet if all goes well?
  • I would like to talk about our arrangement before we actually go on a date. Can we discuss allowance and expectations

I had another sugar daddy who was really open about it and made the talk as least awkward as possible for me. (I'm bad when it comes to talk about money) But this one is kind of weird. I asked him what he was looking for exactly and he's very wishy-washy about it.

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