What makes the perfect sugar baby

Many men who join the sugar bowl are certainly not pleased with their associates . As a sugar daddy, you may know the qualities that make for an ideal sugar baby. What is a ideal sugar baby? What makes a good sugar baby?

Most men would probably focus primarily on the physical aspects. A pretty face, a great figure… these are typically the first things that come to mind when men consider the relative merits of a sugar baby.

What makes the perfect sugar baby

We certainly admire and appreciate those qualities. But at the risk of coming across as ‘holier-than-thou’, we would have to say that those aren’t the only qualities that make for a great sugar baby.

Even given the nature of the sugar dating relationship that tends to focus on the physical attributes of the women, we would like to think that there is more to the feasibility of the sugar baby than that.

So what does make a sugar baby appeal to a sugar daddy? What are qualities that make a good sugar baby stand out apart from her looks.

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Here’s what we picked up from a number of sugar daddies that we interviewed and shared with their ideas about the perfect sugar babies.

What makes the perfect sugar baby

Perfect sugar baby quality: Attentiveness

Most sugar daddies cares about sugar baby's attentiveness. Many sugar daddies are self-centered and just a little bit needy. Providing sugar daddies with attention is often part of the deal.

A good sugar baby should be a perfect social companion. A good sugar baby should manage to retain her own independent personality while providing sugar daddy with the attention that he desires.

Perfect sugar baby quality: Charm and personality

A good sugar baby may has some sort of personality and to have the ability to turn on the charm when needed. A good sugar baby will be expected to play the role of perfect social companion to a ‘tee’. A good sugar baby may learn the necessary social skills.

Perfect sugar baby quality: Genuine affection

More than playing the role of courtesan or escort, you will also have to show your partner some affection. A good sugar baby may not show the false affection and the overblown displays of closeness that bimbos typically exhibit in public either. A sugar baby may treat sugar daddies with some measure of warmth and affection.

Perfect sugar baby quality: Honesty and trustworthiness

As desirable as all those other qualities that makes a perfect sugar baby, honesty and trustworthiness probably trump them all. Ask any sugar daddy around, and he will likely mention the importance of having a sugar baby he can trust.

Honest and trustworthiness are so often intrinsically tied in with a person’s character and integrity. For someone who is a good person at heart, these qualities will just naturally show without the person having to work at it.

Honest sugar babies will also let her sugar daddy know if the arrangement is no longer working for her and if she wants to move on.

Perfect sugar baby quality: Independence

Although sugar dating relationships essentially involve some degree of dependency, many sugar daddies actually appreciate having a sugar baby that has a healthy measure of independence. No one wants to have someone demanding and needy hanging around all the time.

Having a sugar baby that can take care of herself is therefore often seen as an attractive quality by sugar daddies, even though they continue to expect their sugar babies to depend on them for financial support.

Ideal Sugar baby

  • Slim. B cup. No tattoos. Long or mid length hair. Preference to redheads.
  • My best sugar baby: Longer nails
  • When discuss my ideal sugar baby, it's hard to totally nail this down. The only absolute is that she has to look like someone I would have no chance with in regular life. Generally speaking, my SBs have been petite - both in height & body type, fit, long blonde/light brown hair, light eyes. And would look like dynamite dressed up for date night.
  • Slim with curves in the right places and a megawatt smile, and if she has tattoos they should be well done ones. Height, hair color, eye color race/ethnicity, etc don't really play a part in my preferences. Most important is a kind, creative, and intelligent personality.
  • What if a woman is very thin overall but then has wide hips, a large backside and décolletage. I always thought that’s curvy
  • Everyone has different tastes. I, for one, do not like thin females. I also don't like fit males. However, I can bend and flex my lifestyle a bit and make a few exceptions. :]
  • You are right we all subconsciously look for fertile/ virile sexual mates, but that in a women is someone with bigger hips.
  • Girl next door type for me. Great face, Good body and not over or under weight, could be curvy, athletic, or just average. Not a lot of makeup and doesn't take 5 hours to get ready. But still able to get all dressed up for events and special nights out. I'm a sucker for a redhead and/or curly hair.
  • I don’t need a supermodel. Just a sweet innocent looking woman who comes off that way in public but is naughty as hell behind closed doors.
  • Tall and curvy, 25-40, modest outfits, no nose rings or caterpillar eyelashes. Picture backgrounds show a neat setting, no clothes and garbage thrown around, real furniture.
  • Skinny. Young. Great attitude. Good communication.(Totally not into the “Playboy look” e.g. big breasts, big ass, too much makeup, long / colored fingernails.)
  • Can't really broadly categorize...I'm open to all types...but in general...I prefer them to be in shape. The thing that attracts to their profiles is something in their eyes...is there a spark there? Don't really know how to articulate that any better. If she has sparkly eyes and a great smile...I'm going message her.