When is the best time to discuss an allowance with your sugar baby

The success of an ideal sugar relationship lies in the bond of trust, honest communication, compatibility and above all putting everything on the table, even complex topics such as allowance, without any fear of judgement.

As a sugar daddy, talking money can be really awkward, even in a Sugar relationship, but there’s no denying that it is an important part of any sugar relationship. When to bring up the PPM/Allowance discussion? When is the best time?

Let’s face it, talking about money can be uncomfortable, but it’s a big part of the typical sugaring relationship.. so the better you get at it, the better your sugar bowl experiences will be!

Discover when the ideal time is to talk about an allowance with your sugar baby. Learn how to approach the conversation and negotiate an allowance that works for both parties. Read on to find out more about discussing financial arrangements with your sugar baby.

You’re probably nervous about a couple of things. Don’t worry, it’s very common and she is likely been through this conversation a few times before.

when is the best time to discuss an allowance

Benifits of allowance discussion before after and during the first sugar date

Discuss allowance before first sugar date

The main benefit is that you know if both parties are on the same page. The reality is there are differing expectations out there, going in blind creates a risk of time being wasted. It is helpful to weed out low ballers, John's, etc.

Discuss allowance after first sugar date

The main benefit of discussing allowance after first sugar date is that there's an opportunity to make an impression. For the suar babies, they may prove much more desirable in person, therefore the sugar daddy may be willing to put forward a higher offer to retain her. If a sugar daddy encounter a fetching sugar baby, he will know there's a risk of losing them if I put forward a low pay per meet price.

For the sugar daddy, your gut is telling some sugar babies may be willing to consider a lower (but still reasonable) PPM/allowance if they had a positive impression of the poential sugar daddy Sure, they may have received a higher offer elsewhere, but that doesn't mean they want to move forward with a relationship with them.

Discuss allowance during first sugar date

There are a small percentage of sugar daddies choose to discuss PPM during a first sugar date. Please remember that a lot of women have higher levels of agreeableness and may not feel comfortable saying no or negotiating in person.

For sugar daddies, you can only discuss pay per meet pice during text sugar date unless the sugar baby brings it up. That way they have time to process it and feel more comfortable responding.

When is the best time to discuss an allowance with your sugar baby?

The key is to not rush and get to know each other first. There’s always a right time to discuss your allowance with a sugar baby.

So you’ve spent weeks perfecting your sugar daddy profile, going through sugar baby proifles and have finally find one girl think would be a great match. What do you do now? Go straight to the money talk? Some new sugar daddies may have the talk immediately. If you want to be successful sugar daddy No, you don’t. Here is a poll.

when is the best time to discuss an allowance, When to bring up the PPM/Allowance discussion

When is the best time to discuss an allowance? Do not discuss allowance on the first date if you two do not text a lot and you do not get a pretty good idea of who the girl is and how you feel with her. Don’t talk about it right out of the gate. Get to know each other at least a little bit.

Do talk about it sooner than later. Don’t wait until you’re a month into seeing each other before you broach the subject.

First, you may pave the way for a first date. Once you meet a sugar baby, you go out, have fun and get to know each other.

When is the best time to discuss an allowance with your sugar baby? We suggest you keep the allowance talk for the second or third date and when the time comes, realize this that you don’t need to feel awkward because allowances are a part of any sugar arrangement.

When you plan to disscuss an allowance with your sugar baby, do not be too late to have the allowance talk, since by then you would already have invested time and energy and walking away would become just a tad harder.

When to bring up the PPM/Allowance Discussion? Sugar daddies experience

When do you bring up the PPM/Allowance Discussion: Once we move to text, I’m asking what their ppm expectations are. If we’re not on the same page, I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.

Only one occasion a girl said “we will talk about the ‘gift’ at the first sugar date.” And that girl is my current sugar baby, go figure. LOL

When do you bring up the PPM/Allowance Discussion: I tend to text a lot before scheduling a sugar date and can get a pretty good idea of who the girl is and how I'd feel with her.

After I decide that I do want to meet, I ask a bunch of questions about how she would want the arrangement to go and I tell her what I'd want. It's a fairly detailed and open discussion and at the end I feel comfortable making an offer.

Or rather, I ask her what she wants to see if she has a number in mind. If she doesn't then I make an offer. Only then do I schedule the sugar date.

I'm ok with this method for a few reasons. I'm pretty good at gauging how I feel about someone over text and the m&g is more a formality at this point. So long as she looks like her photos and I don't get any red flags, I'm going to move forward.

I also pretty much offer the same amount no matter what. It'll vary a little, but not by much.

When is the best time to discuss an allowance: I'm not in a huge hurry to bring it up. Often it comes up in texting before a sugar date. If it hasn't come up by then, and she doesn't ask, I'll definitely bring it up during the sugar date. If it's someone I seem to like, I don't mind going to a coffee date and risk finding out the numbers are incompatible. And honestly that hasn't happened in a long time.

I always do it well before the meet and greet! Yes it's definitely a waste of time to pursue something where allowance expectations aren't going to line up.

Also make sure your schedules and visit frequency expectations will line up first too, make sure you're looking for roughly the same type of arrangement without being too explicit.

I treat the M&G as just assessing the person themselves, if they're acceptable the arrangement can start shortly after.

When is the best time to discuss an allowance: Lots of sugar daddies prefer after the sugar date, and you don't have that as an option man! It is good to know who you're making an offer to / receiving it from.These days I always do a video M&G first. My preference is now AFTER the video M&G, before the in-person M&G. Or, if she brings it up sooner than that, then whenever she brings it up

When to bring up the PPM/Allowance Discussion: I prefer to discuss it as soon as possible. I've found that the POT SBs are pretty enthusiastic once we've gotten it out of the way. But YMMV.

When is the best time to discuss an allowance: Plenty of sugar daddies prefer bring up the talk at the sugar date. I think that AT the first sugar date is by far the worst choice.

If you've already taken the time to make it to the M&G, might as well just concentrate on making a great impression. If you wait until after the M&G, you at least have an idea of how much you like each other, and presumably, that might guide what you offer.

In any case, I know prefer after the video M&G, because that tells me some of the important things -- do we have any chemistry, does she look like her pics. But before the in-person sugar date, since if we're not a match not a lot of reason to meet.

That said, most of the time, if we make it to a M&G, she accepts my offer; the girls who are super high allowance know they are super high allowance, and smartly insist on discussing it early on

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