Will you still date older sugar babies?

For lots of sugar daddies, some old dead gorgeous sugar babies may contact you. Some sugar daddy maybe in your 30s or 40s, the old sugar baby in 40s or even in 50s may contact you. Maby you have never been the one with less experience before!

Lots of sugar daddies may have this question. Will you still date older sugar babies than you?

Will you still date older sugar babies than you, old sugar babies

Some older sugar babies have youthful personality and looks while enriching sugar daddies experience with mature life experiences and attitude. It is good to have uncomplicated NSA, some sugar daddies enjoys living in the moment with a more comprehensive relationship and familiarity.

To answer your question, you may ask these questions by yourself. Do you enjoy her company and do you want to be with her? Are you free self confident so didn’t feel intimidated?

If the answer is yes, go for it... She let you know what she wants and how she wants it. Take it as a life experience.

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Here are some experience from other sugar daddies like you.

Date old sugar babies? Experience from other sugar daddies

  • She’s still a woman. Treat her with the upmost respect, take her on fun shopping sprees, lay good pipe, and hold up your end of the arrangement.
  • I’ve had older sugar babies, I’m in my mid 40s and I don’t view it as intimidating but rather a positive as they come in with great real life experiences and often are looking for much of the same things.
  • I dated a very beautiful woman who was in her 40s from SugarDaddyMeet - it was more just spoiled girlfriend than arrangement - but I remember taking her to a very nice 5* hotel in nyc and at the bar she was getting a lot of attention. She wasn’t just beautiful but also had a very flirtatious and sexy personality. It was fun. But I’m pretty self confident so didn’t feel intimidated, rather I just enjoyed the time. I was dating up looks wise but she was dating up experience wise. Have confidence in what you bring to the table!
  • You question reminded me of my amazing sugar baby. I'm 18 and she is 39. I met her recently and really miss her already, hoping to arrange something again really soon! Older sugar babies are the best imho!
  • Please treat her with respect and COMMUNICATE well in the relationship and I guarantee you'll both be happy. Have fun and in turn, she'll likely treat you better than most 20 year olds could.
  • You can offer her money, your youthful vigor, and a willingness to learn from her. She can teach you about being a sophisticated man who is worldly, knows the finer things (not just expensive, but WORTHy), and is truly in command of himself.
  • Older doesn't necessarily mean more experienced, i routinely seek out sbs 4-6 years older than me (i also meet 18-22 yr olds). older would generally mean more relaxed, fewer limitations, lot more stories, make sure not to press the "mom" button, you should be fine
  • I had a old sugar baby and had an okay 6-month older than me and stint with her. The one area that was different from other SB's I've dated (who were younger than me) is that she was very direct about her needs. Never really had to guess what satisfied her as she would openly communicate it. Eventually had to move on as she got the sense that our time together was always going to remain PPM. I would also add this; try not to think in terms of her age, because while shes probably got a gaultlet of experience, she hasn't experienced YOU yet ;-)
  • My experience was with a comparatively "older" sugar baby who was 35 years old. (Usually I date 20-25 year olds).That 35 year old was a neglected cheating wife and wanted to be treated as a sex object and talked to and shown interest.I paid her a comparatively smaller amount due to age and the fact that she was anything but drop dead gorgeous. Of course I did not mention those things, but I am pretty sure that she was okay with the amount.