What's like being a sugar daddy- Real sugar daddy experience

What it's like to be a sugar daddy? What it's like for a casual sugar dating and sugar dating long term relationship? Some real sugar daddies shared with us about their sugar daddy experience. These stories reveal what it's really like to date a sugar baby and you will expect from sugar relationshps.

sugar daddy experiences-

Sugar daddy experience: Short but sweet

I am a new sugar daddy. I would like to share my first sugar daddy experience. I'm not new to the bowl and I've been around a couple times, had different sugar babies, some more fun than others, one turned into a great long term friendship without any kind of benefits just pure friendship, have never really been affected when something ends. Also as fun and great as other sugar babies have been, I've never had the Sugar equivalent of love at first sight / at M&G loll.. until last week.

I Had been talking some details with this potential sugar baby, we really seemed to click, I already thought she looked great in pictures but once she showed up I was mind blown, gorgeous face, great body, dressed elegantly and beautifully without being provoking or anything like that, just very tasteful and from my personal taste: perfect.

The conversation was amazing, almost 4 hours passed by and we were really enjoying it (she even mentioned this was by far her best M&G ever). Everything was natural, mutual attraction, a lot of things in common, just the perfect M&G.

Without going in details, saying good bye was really hard and just couldn't get enough of each other, the chemistry and connection was unbelievable, she went for a kiss and we stayed kissing like dummies for the longest.

We seemed to be just a perfect match, we seemed to be looking for the exact kind of thing, she shared that the feeling was mutual and she was excited about it. We were making plans to meet this week for our first official date and then, suddenly she stopped replying for the last couple days, just assumed she has a life, she was busy, etc.

Today I got a text apologizing and explaining she decided to move forward with someone else and wishes me the best of luck on my search.

I know it's stupid and can't believe I'm going to say this but this actually hurts.. Perhaps it was too good to be true, perhaps someone had deeper pockets, I'll never know, just really disappointed this SR couldn't happen.

Advice from experienced sugar daddies

  • Keep things on GOOD terms! Maybe in a month reach out and check in.... maybe it doesn’t work out with this new guy. I was in the EXACT same situation and my persistence worked.
  • Maybe she was blinded by an unrealistic fake offer and will come back to earth once she gets burned. This happened to me so yes it’s very possible
  • You’ll be surprised how things change in 60 or 90 days. Chemistry is unforgettable and most new sugar relationships don’t work.
  • No shame on it, I think most experienced sugar daddies had that unicorn that went away. If she left the door open maybe ask if where it went wrong, but I think it's very unlikely that she will reply. no harm on trying though! Just a recommendation from my several years sugaring experience, keep texting to a minimal both before and after the first sugar date, once you guys have established a dynamic after a month or so is okay to bond and build the relationship, anything before that is just castles in the sky.
  • That sucks. The adult thing is to keep it moving and not dwell on it. Maybe you'll see her again at a future date, maybe not, but don't let perfect be the enemy of good when you get back out there. There's always another good sugar babies over there, tons of great chances in the bowl.

Sugar daddy experience: Experience about sugar site

I've been on seek site for about 2 months and this is my impression. I've gotten some luck there compared to traditional dating sites.

But it seems when you go on the site you are bombarded with just hundreds of solicitations from fake profiles and women selling their pics or videos. I don't think SA does anything to curtail this huge annoyance.

The other problem I've encountered many times is this dating fee scam. I've gotten women who wanted an upfront booking fee or BS dating fee before meet up which is another common scam.

They consistently said PPM or the sort is forbidden but in many conversations with women. That's the main topic.

I think their main game is to keep the volume of sugar babies or women profiles as high as possible regardless if they are legit or not.

So I've recently unsubscribed, having met 2 sugar babies who are pretty reliable and trustworthy. But overall, I can't imagine paying $99/month and subscribing to all kinds of catfish, fake instagram profiles, prostitutes that should be banned, and all kinds of harassment too from women.

I think of the hundreds of profiles, 80% are of certain types of women, and the most attractive ones make up like 5% and demands thousands of dollars.

Advice from experienced sugar daddies

  • It must be your city. I get probably 20-30 solicitations sometimes hourly. From the same types of women. Once you a blue moon I get a nice woman that just wants to meet to have a good time. More is not better but it does pay to be in bit cities that you get more visibility. I probably me close to 8 women before I nailed down to 2 quality ones.
  • I haven’t gotten bombarded with solicitations

Sugar daddy experience: Experience about sugar site

I had a sugar baby who I started with as plain FWB, I'd help her out with her brother's medical supplies. Then we went full on John-Escort style super intensely for months and progressively became sugar baby and sugar daddy.

But then I discovered she had a boyfriend all along and had a huge heartache because I didn't know I loved her. Then it went on for 3 months during which I pursued her and eventually asked for a kiss that never came so I dumped her the end.

So there is a lot in that to learn from, kissing may become necessary to maintain the realtionship alive, honesty is not optional, sugaring with a boyfriend is unfair unless the sugar daddy knows about it and approves. Trust was never there in our sugar relationshp for varying reasons.

We just ended after 10 months, but I am still a sugar daddy though.

Sugar daddy experience: It seems almost futile.

I have been on SeekArrangement for lots of year. Four years ago is so different from what it is today. I live in the NYC area, so there are lots of potential partners. I am respectful, don’t seek anything abnormal, and request at least one platonic meet up first to ensure both parties are mutually interested in proceeding further. I also provide a generous financial gift on these platonic dates.

The challenge is two fold:

  1. Weeding through the accounts to filter out the scammers, “professionals”, and catfish accounts.
  2. The number of first dates one needs to go on to find ‘the one’.

Let’s face it, there needs to be some sort of mutual comfort, connection and mutual attraction. This type of relationship is much more complicated than a traditional one. Ironically, trust and honesty is almost more important in an arrangement.

Four years ago I was able to find multiple potential matches in a reasonable amount of time. And I’ve experienced two long term amazing arrangements. Now, it seems almost futile.

  1. I experience aside from the fakes, scammers and “professionals”....
  2. People who lie or feel the need to impress you. Just be yourself. If he/she doesn’t like you for who you are, he/she doesn’t deserve you.
  3. People who are arrogant. This takes multiple forms. I don’t intend to offend anyone, but calling yourself a Queen, Princess or Goddess is not attractive.
  4. People who are straight up mean.
  5. People who can’t carry a conversation. Don’t get me wrong, I get shy. I’m patient with shy. But there’s a shocking amount of apathy out there.
  6. People who shouldn’t be involved in this lifestyle. I’ve met a few women who need real help, they are doing what they are doing for the wrong reasons. The “I really don’t want to be doing this, but I don’t know what else to do.” Please - for the guys reading this, you probably have or will come across this. Don’t take advantage of them and please help them humanely.

There are many other reasons, but this all seems like a needle in a haystack now.

Advice from experienced sugar daddies

  • Get better at filtering so you spend almost no time on arrogant people, mean people, people who can't carry a conversation, etc. I next all these people so fast that I'm not annoyed. Weeding through escorts and scammers is child's play at this point. This is on you: learn to filter quickly and efficiently, or end up very frustrated! This is a necessary survival skill in the bowl, and not one that's difficult to develop.
  • If I can provide a constructive positive step for you to consider: if your risk tolerance allows it, consider doing a video M&G before the in-person M&G. The video M&G has totally changed my outlook on the bowl, and saved me an insane amount of time. Previous to do video M&Gs, I'd have to go on maybe 10 in-person M&Gs to finally end up in an arrangement -- between the flakers, bad socializers, girls who didn't look like their pics, etc., it took a lot of in-person meetings. Now, I screen everyone through the video M&G, most get filtered out there, and one (at MOST two) in-person M&Gs is all that's needed to get in an arrangement. Totally changed my perspective on what an in-person M&G is -- something to look forward to, just to verify in-person chemistry with someone I know I already dig.
  • Don't put your eggs in one basket. You may try other big sugar dating site like sugardaddymeet which has a big userbase and better customer service.
  • As a sugar daddy, you need to filter out lots of bad apples before you find the good one. You can ask the customer support to help you check background information.

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What it's really like to have a sugar baby

I met an aspiring sugar baby on sugar daddy website SugarDaddyMeet two and a half years ago. Had a traditional M&G and I didn't think she was interested. She was in a bad mood that night and admitted it. I had neutral sentiment about progressing, so I didn't follow up after.

About a month after the M&G she reached out to me a bit perturbed I never contacted her. Even with some other flakey behavior on her part in the beginning, we made it through two intimate dates and sparked an Arrangement. It wasn't long before she was fine with no condom (she knew how much I hated them) and comfortable to host at her place instead of a hotel like we did for the first couple dates. We continued in this way for six months. She showed me pics of some of her family.

There's always been little passion and romance in our interaction. She doesn't like to kiss so that never happens. Because these things matter to me, I grew a bored. At the six month mark, I told her I wanted to move on. We had no contact, then six months after that she reached out to me. I decided to re-engage with her, thinking maybe some things have changed, she's a bit older, etc.

Those things didn't change but the sex got better. For the last year and a half it is no condom and she let's me finish inside her. She doesn't reveal to me what turns her on, what she likes in bed even though I've asked multiple times. The shade of COVID meant dinner dates and cocktails for the last year. Now that things are pretty much open in my area of the USA, I've proposed we do fun things: travel together to a fun place (Vegas, Miami), go concerts, strip clubs... crimony - even bowling. Something to mix it up. No interest from her. She is content with dinner, drinks, then sex.

The level of trust includes her asking me to apartment sit and pet sit for her while she traveled to visit family or friends a couple of times. I stayed at her place by myself for many days on end. We hardly text between our intimate meet ups which is averaging three times/month. Early on in our Arrangement she would send me sexy pics - but ones not made for me... I could tell she selected from a library of her sexy pics. No biggie... but still.

She's a post grad student and has one job and sometimes two. ith that much of the story, it seems it is SGF/GFE, right? Until I observed these things in the past six months:

Two-K cash just laying around (mostly jacksons, some benjamins); Her acquisition of several expensive items (total probably around Six-K); Moving to an apartment that is an additional One-K per month rent; appointment times with men in her calendar, most recurring. Scores of appointments over the past months.

We've a thirty year age gap. We've always been PPM not allowance (her preference). For the last year and a half, I gift her extra along the way. I paid for some serious plastic surgery (it involved general anesthesia).

We are not exclusive and both know that. We sometimes share info about very recent, past encounters - but rarely. In our six month off period, she told me she did travel with a guy and they did not get along during. Even though we are not exclusive, I rarely go off campus. I get STD tested like a good lad.

Advice from experienced sugar daddies

  • Honestly this sounds like an ideal long term NSA sugar relationship. She's made it clearly known that she does not want strings in its many shapes and forms: No kissing, no romance, no trips, no exclusivity, no extra texting/chatting, PPM, etc.
  • She trusts you or she would not have you sit, have access to her calendar, leave large sums of money around for you to see. However she has boundaries which you have abided by. She knows that there are things you want and she has been allowing you to have more of them. Yet she still has her boundaries. I think you sound happy with her but you want more. Maybe we need a second or a vanilla relationship for the emotional attachment and kissing?
  • I’m not sure how you are still interested in her based on everything you wrote. Very little texting, little interest from her part, no kissing, sex is ok, she doesn’t want to go on dates or travel. I would at the very least stop going raw with her. If I were in your shoes I’d probably break up with her and find someone else.