What is the most important sugar baby characteristic for sugar daddy

Whats the ideal characteristics that one should look for in a sugar baby? If a sugar daddy is paying for an "arrangement"? You would figure your demands should be higher than regular dating considering the monetary factor. What characteristics are essential for your ideal sugar relationship?

What is the most important sugar baby characteristic for sugar daddy

What is the most important sugar baby characteristic for sugar daddy, here is the most important sugar daddy characteristics for sugar babies from our investigation.

  1. Easy communication
  2. Comfortable with the relationship
  3. Respects bouundries
  4. The ability to hold a conversation
  5. Sexual compatible
  6. Looks

It will be interesting to see what are the most important sugar baby characteristics for the sugar daddies in terms of top desirability characteristics.

What are the most important sugar baby characteristics sugar daddy look for

Main things I look for in a sugar baby:

  • Easy communication - interesting, intelligent, thoughtful, positive, not possessed with continuing anger, entitlement, arrogance.
  • Comfortable with the relationship.... a great partner for one may be a terrible one for another
  • Respects commitments (subject to real "urgent situations")
  • Sexual limits are compatible, enjoys sex.

Main things I look for in a sugar baby:

  • A connection/companionship? Like I don’t expect a boyfriend or anything, but I want to be with someone who I can talk to about the happenings of my life with and vice versa. I want to feel as though the two of us truly care about each other.
  • Respects boundaries. This is a really big one for me because I simply can’t be with someone who can’t respect my limits..
  • The ability to hold a conversation.

For me it would be fitness and friendliness. If the person is not fit, I'm not interested. If the person is fit but not friendly. Forget it. She has to be friendly. Finding the perfect combination is EXTREMELY hard for me. The search usually drains me. But when I find it, I'm in heaven.

I'm a young sugar daddy so my ideal sugar baby may differ from most. I tend to be more attracted to sugar babies with these qualities: • Not solely dependent on me for income or most income. • Reliability. I hate scheduling my work around a SB meeting and being stood up. • Friendliness and Genuity. I like to atleast be convinced you're enjoying my company.

You're probably beautiful and likable in pictures as are most SBs but your personality is what will set you apart from others.

The closest I have that's consistent among my sugar babies:

  • They all have vaguely the same physical characteristics
  • They are all diverting and fun and emotionally stable, even if some were smart and others not so much, some sexy and others not as much, some very highly educated and others not so much, some wild-at-heart and others not so much, etc.

In other words, if she's physically attractive, can make me forget all my troubles the moment I see her, and has decently high emotional IQ, she's in my target market.

Main things I look for in a sugar baby:

  • Great communicator
  • Connection / Chemistry
  • Intelligence
  • Independence. Like knows what she wants, and is her own person.
  • Appreciates me and all that I do.
  • Isn't flakey, fake, or drama-fueled.
  • Is relatively punctual.
  • Is a kind and caring person.
  • Is not someone who deems themselves to be a princess and demands being spoiled... I love spoiling and helping out, but I don't want to feel forced in to it / transactional (which some guys use to mean they don't want to pay. That's not me. I like spoiling, but I don't want to feel taken advantage of).
  • Appreciates good food and is open to trying new things!
  • Added bonus if she is a little dorky / nerdy / geeky and or can appreciate that side of me...

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