What does it mean to be a sugar daddy?

Lots of men want to are interested in the sugar lifestyle. What does it mean to be a sugar daddy? Meet a woman who may be gorgeous and have sex? Sugar dating is a type of relationship in which a man is looking for a young, sexy, and beautiful girlfriend and set up a mutual beneficial relationship .

Such relationships are usually based on mutual benefits – a girl gets monetary compensation for her company, while a man can spend some time with a beautiful woman. Girls in sugar relationships are called sugar babies, while men are called sugar daddies. This type of communication is highly popular in Western culture.

Tips and advice on how to be a good sugar daddy

So why do people look for such relationships? Wouldn’t it be easier for them just to look for serious and family-oriented relationships? Well, nothing is that simple!

Men who accumulated wealth are very cautious about potential wives. Let’s take a closer look and find out why some men become sugar daddies. Here are some reasons from real sugar daddies.

I'm a sugar daddy. What does it mean to be a sugar daddy? I have power, wealth, and know exactly what I want. It's a dominant personality trait, and I am really focused on my career, but I want a place where I can enjoy exclusive intimacy without worrying about upending my life. In essence, it's the perfect relationship (for me) at this stage in my life.

Mid 30s, not hideous but not gorgeous. What does a sugar daddy genuinely mean? I become a sugar daddyt because its simple, and there are no worries about "feels". Also a lot more straight amazing women are willing to play for the other team in an SR.

I did it because dating SUCKS, I had a lot of spare time, and I was recently divorced, so not looking for anything serious but wanted to enjoy my new "freedom". I didn't do SR because I couldn't get vanilla dates, but because it fit my needs better at that time.

I sugar date because I have the means to and it’s so much more favorable than regular dating. I don’t have to wait on matches. The girls reach out to me. In the looks department they are girls that wouldn’t really match with me on a regular site. I have had very fulfilling and meaningful relationships in the bowl. The money is just the icing on the cake.

I'm 40. I'm loaded. I'm slightly out of shape and slightly overweight. I'm an average looking guy at best. Vanilla dating doesn't work for me because on all the apps I'm basically left swiped by everyone remotely attractive. My only matches are the morbidly obese, divorced with multiple children or simply with no career prospects.

I am successful in my career, very well educated, personable and oh yeah I have a lot of money. So yeah I don't have many other choices to date at the level I believe I should be at with traditional methods.

I'm mid 30s and do it mainly because I'm married. I think most get married early 20s so early 30s is that perfect time where married life gets boring. You done with school and have a career so everything else is boring and need some spice. Also the quarter life crisis seems to be a thing.

What drives sugar daddies?

Being a sugar daddy is about getting what you want in a relationship while being able to do things on your own. It’s about freedom, financial independence, support, and having fun.. Why men feel attracted to the idea of being a sugar daddy. Here are the popular reasons.

  • Just got out of a long term relationship and not ready to seriously date again but wants company.
  • Works a job that requires a lot of man hours and can't vanilla date because he can't offer a lot of his time.
  • Doesn't want a serious relationship and dating women in his age group who aren't looking for happily ever after isn't possible.
  • Curious about this lifestyle and wants to play SD for a bit to see what it's about/live out a fantasy.
  • Just wants to date younger women and this is easier than trying to match with them on Vanilla sites.

Stereotypes about sugar daddies

There are stereotypes about sugar daddies, but you need to know that the majority of them are a complete lie. For example, people say all sugar daddies are old and ugly, so all they can do is to attract a girl with money.

But it’s not like that. There are so many sugar daddies. They are of different ages and appearances. Moreover, judging a person by how he looks is always a big mistake. It never reflects what personality a man has.

Another example of a sugar daddy misconception is that it’s only about fantastically rich men. There are different daddies with various levels of income.

Some of them are really extremely rich, but others may have a more moderate financial status. Thus, every girl may find a sugar daddy who will fulfill the needs that she has. It can be a companionship on a luxury trip or a simple fancy dinner in a nice restaurant.

Benefits of being a sugar daddy

Why men like sugar dating? What’s not to like?! You spend a great time with sexy and beautiful girls who are eager to do anything you arrange. You do not have to deal with drama and all this nonsense. Instead, you get the all benefits of relationships – pleasure, sex, a boost of self-esteem, and jealousy of your friends and coworkers. Here are a few reasons why sugar daddies exist:


sugar daddies are free from the burden of relationships. No one forces them to do what they do not want. If a man gets bored, he can easily end the relationships without any problems or drama. While it may sound selfish, but the essence of sugar relationships is in pleasure and satisfaction of one’s needs and not search for true love

It is effective

most sugar daddies are incredibly successful and wealthy. Although success and wealth come with financial responsibilities and work duties. In other words, sugar daddies are usually quite busy dudes. They need to have efficient relationships – meet, go to a restaurant, have a great time, have wonderful sex, and that’s all.

It is safe

men with money want to save their money. Gold-diggers are quite skillful nowadays, which is why sugar dating is a perfect opportunity to get what you want without risking your capital.

It is honest

a sugar relationship is honest and clear. You do not need to lie or pretend that you enjoy something when you do not. You share what you desire with your sugar baby whether she is up to your kink. Simple, brilliant, and mutually beneficial!

It is perfect for men who want to control everything

it is possible to say that conventional relationships are quite difficult to control. One should compromise to be successful in relationships. However, sugar dating is a different thing. Sugar daddies are usually the ones who have more power as they have a lot of money. Therefore, sugar daddies can easily make demands on how the relationships should develop as well as demand how sugar babies should look and behave.

Find a new sugar baby now

You have known the advantages of being a sugar daddy, it's time to join a sugar daddy website and meet your ideal sugar baby now.

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SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar babies over there now!