Best time of handing over money

As a sugar daddy, you will meet someone for some intimate time. You two may agreed a price and a time to meet. As a sugar daddy, you want to know when should a sugar baby get the money and how do you hand over the money for the first dates.

Looking for tips on how to handle money as a sugar daddy with your sugar baby? Get expert advice and learn how to establish financial boundaries, communicate effectively, and build a mutually beneficial relationship. Read on for valuable insights and practical tips on managing finances in a sugar dating dynamic.

A sugar baby payment is like a special income, an infusion of money that will have to be handled appropriately and with care. There are many ways of handling the transaction of the money between a sugar baby and her daddy.

How do a sugar daddy let sugar baby make sure she actually gives me the agreed amount without making it too transactional. If a sugar daddy is shocked by an upfront request then he is just being childish and naive...remember the best con artists seem like the nicest guys or they would starve.

A sugar daddy should realize that this is an uncomfortable situation for her and his main concern should be to make her comfortable.

When should a sugar daddy hand over the money? For some sugar babies, If they don’t see the money, they don’t take her clothes off. You can leaves the money on the desk where a sugar baby can clearly see it before intimate begins.

For the first intimate sugar date, If a sugar baby doesn’t pick it up, you can hand it to her and then graciously goes to the bathroom to give she time to count it. A sugar baby can quickly count it and put it in her wallet, then the rest of our date continues.

Be comfortalbe if a sugar baby count the money

The routine process of handing over an envelope with a few thousand dollars in cash can be awkward for both the sugar daddy as well as the sugar baby.

Counting the money takes very little effort or time to do while you or he are in the bathroom before intimacy. Just get in the habit of doing it. There is nothing wrong with this.

Even a business that has a longtime good history w a customer is still going to count the money. Its just smart to count the money for ANY transaction. And it can EASILY be done in a discreet inconspicuous manner.

We all operate on a level of trust / just trust her especially when it’s someone a new sugar baby is meeting for the first time and hasn’t done anything to establish credibility yet.

How do real sugar daddies give sugar baby allowance

Especially with someone (intimate) for the first time, I prefer to leave the money in plain sight (hundred dollar bills so it's easy to count) under her cell phone, purse or other personal belonging.

Then I go to the restroom to take a quick shower, and this allows her to count the money, or inspect it, or whatever she'd like to do.

Sometimes she just leaves it there, but at least there is peace of mind that I'm not going to scam her. Once there's trust built, the ppm can be after intimacy and it's less of an issue. Ideally, you transition to weekly or monthly allowances.

I had 3 arrangements. I gave each of them their allowance at the start. None of them disappeared. I think the idea of getting a substantial regular income in a well defined arrangement (they know exactly what I expect and I know what they aren't comfortable with) was too good to pass up for them..

I just leave the the ppm in an envelope where my sugar baby can clearly see it. I’ve never had a girl count it if that’s what you’re worried about. It’s a tricky situation because I’m sure some girls have been burned, but at the same time you risk insulting the SD.

If it's the first time together alone. Prior to leaving, I will put it next to something she has to pick up before leaving. Sometimes I will walk out of the bathroom and say WOW! look what I found and hand it to her while saying you must have dropped this.

After the meet, as things are wrapping up. I usually send a PayPal or venmo as I’m in the bathroom. I have occasionally forgotten and don’t mind my Sb reminding me in that case. You should have the discussion about what’s expected, even if the amount isn’t set “just so we are clear, I can expect a PayPal after tonight?”. That’s all it should take. Demanding it up front paints you as an escort so don’t do that.

I always put it in her hand before she leaves. Never had any problems or anyone request it upfront. The sooner you get it the more leverage you have. You can always leave and already have the money that way.

Early on, for first times, I provided an envelope either on a nightstand or in their purse when they went to the restroom. I would say, if it’s a new guy and he hasn’t don’t that, maybe ask ‘so how should we handle the gifting/spoiling end of things’. Right after a kiss and with a smile, dead in the eyes. If you need to adjust his thinking, go further. He’ll get it, if he’s not being deliberately obtuse.

Many of the SB’s I’ve slept with have been so ‘in the moment’ with things that we settle up after. I just Venmo them after while we’re together, in that case. I wouldn’t recommend this as a rule though. I’m a good egg and click with people easily and am here for all to have a good experience. But you have to watch out for the a$$holes.

I don't know why but that seems to make it easier for them to count when they are alone.After that first time or second time, then I would usually give it to her some point after shopping or before dinner. Makes better experience in my opinion.

As for timing of handing over PPM, as long as its before clothes come off, you're golden. I kinda like it when he hands it to me in the transition between dinner/drinks and the room.

Feels natural since you're shuffling your bag/coat around anyway, and it doesn't draw attention, and by the time you get to the room it's handled and out of mind.

If you want to make sure he didn’t short you you can excuse yourself and count in the bathroom. Just put in you toiletry-bag and take it with you to the shower before or after sex


What is the best time of handing over money for a suar daddy? Everybody is different & just do what feels right to you. Every one of us is different & has based their approach on past experiences. So have a good time with it & hopefully it’s a fun positive experience for you both.

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