Should a sugar daddy give sugar on the first meet?

Should a sugar daddy give sugar on the first meet? Different sugar daddies have different strategies. To give or not give sugar on the first meet, it depends on a sugar daddy has real interest in the sugar baby or not. Here are some tips help you master the art of the sugar date.

Lots of sugar daddies don't like mention the gift before the first sugar date. If a sugar baby ask money before the first sugar date. Most sugar daddies move on the next if there is no real connection.

For most sugar daddies, the sugar on first sugar date is something they give at their options, as a surprise. Sugar baby has to to 'invest' in sugar daddy like sugar daddy is 'investing' in a sugar baby. Your time is definitely just as important as hers. Most sugar babies are more than happy to pay for travel, lunch, drinks, dessert, coffee.

If you think handing over an envelope of cash on a meet, even if she isn’t expecting it, sets up a wrong dynamic. The meet is mutually beneficial. It’s a mutual vetting process. Not a date, and a sugar baby shouldn’t be compensated for her time just as a sugar daddy shouldn’t be compensated for sugar daddy's time. Payment confuses things.

Some sugar baby may think get caught up in protecting themselves from time wasters. As a sugar daddy, you are not wasting anyone’s time and you are not paying to compensate for other people wasting you time.

  • If they don’t ask and the M&G goes well, I may surprise her with a little something. If they ask for sugar for M&G, it’s an immediate next.

  • I give her a gift if she hasn't asked for anything. It can be cash or something I know she wants. If she has asked for something then I don't give her anything.

    If she has any extraordinary travel expenses then I will cover those.

I give my sugar baby an allowance or gift. When we get together to start the sugar relationship, I give her a card, with hand written note and her gift early in the date. Especially on our first date, I make sure she has some time alone at the table to check the card/gift if she chooses, then a natural break between time out/dinner and time alone where she can politely end things. If she declines the second half of the evening and it was a planned date, there will not be a second date. If we planned a platonic date, then the time alone will be obviously not 'intimate' time but give us a chance to get to know each other better. I typically do not move fully into an allowance until we are getting to intimacy. And every situation is different, so you need to make some decisions about how to do things.

Just had a pot other day which thought would be good arrangement after weeks of communication; than 30 min before M&G she asks if get the full PPM for a dinner. So that ended that.

When a sugar daddy meet a sugar baby, Lots of sugar daddies bring some small gifts. Most of them usually cover sugar baby's travel expenses, gas, Uber, parking, food and drinks, etc.

I’ll definitely cover her travel, gas , parking etc regardless of how things go.

If a sugar daddy is definitely interested in moving on to an sugar relationship, he can give 1/4ish his ideal pay per meet price.

If I am really interested in the POT and want to pursue an arrangement then I’ll usually give 1/3 - 1/4 ppm to show that I’m serious about an arrangement. But thats only if she doesn’t ask for money ahead of time.

As a sugar daddy, you can have a card with a few $$ in it and if the first meet goes well and you both are interested in seeing one another again, you can slip it to her when you say goodbye.

If a sugar daddy is not interested in moving on to an sugar relationship, but she was fun to hang out with, stayed quite a while, etc. Maybe the sugar daddy can add an extra $50 on top of the travel expenses.

You can minimise her expenses

As a sugar ddaddy, you can meet somewhere convenient to the sugar baby to minimise her expenses. Or alternatively organise a car/Uber to gather her from a neutral location. But it’s good to show a little of what you bring to the arrangement, for both sides.

At the M&G stage, I have no clue if I have any real interest in the person. All I know at that point is that they at least meet my basic requirements to be considered. The M&G is when I will decide if I actually want to move forward or not. We are not in an arrangement, so no sugar is owed.

I’ve always had money to give at every M&G but every time it seem inappropriate. The M&G is an essential meeting in neutral ground. Exchange of SR level money or physical affection always feels inappropriate in the moment and it really feels like a first date. I pay for our meal and entertainment and night ends with a short but promising kiss.

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